What does JLGB mean to you?
JLGB gives me a sense of community where I met lifelong friends and I can connect with other people who share similar values and experiences like me. It's also a space where I can explore and strengthen my Jewish identity and feel proud about it.
Why are you excited to work for JLGB?
What is your favourite JLGB moment?
My favourite JLGB moment is working with The Israeli Youth Award Delegation. For the past 3 years, we have had a group of adults coming from Israel to volunteer during our Summer camp. As an Israeli myself, I support and guide them before and during camp which gives me an opportunity to talk to them in Hebrew and connect on a personal level.
Tell us about your role within JLGB
My role within JLGB is to support the DofE team with any administration and financial needs. I also coordinate with all the schools and other partners we work with throughout the DofE award season.