Wed 10 Jul 2024 13:40

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Survey Results: Mobile Phone Policy at Summer Camp


Thank you to all of you who completed our recent survey. We received over 300 responses, giving us a broad and comprehensive understanding of your views, and enabling us to make what we believe is the fairest and best-informed decision regarding mobile phone usage at JLGB Summer Camp.

Highlight Summary of Survey Results:

Here is a summary of the key preferences you shared, which have guided our decision on JLGB's updated mobile phone policy:

  • The majority of parents for those attending Junior Camp (Years 3 to 5) believe that mobile phones should not be allowed on camp.
  • A clear majority of parents for children in School Years 6-10 believe mobile phones SHOULD be allowed on camp, but an overwhelming majority also strongly believe phones SHOULD be collected and only issued at defined times.
    • Most popular choice for frequency of phone distribution wasEvery Day’.
    • Significant number of parents willing to hand in phones at their own risk.

These preferences have been crucial in shaping a balanced and effective mobile phone policy for our upcoming JLGB Summer Camp. Thank you for your valuable input.

Updated JLGB Summer Camp Mobile Phone Policy

Based on the survey results and our extensive research into best practices at other youth camps worldwide, we have developed a new mobile phone policy to enhance the camp experience, while also addressing the practical concerns raised by volunteers, parents and participants.

Phones Will Be Allowed on Camp for Participants in School Years 6-10* but they will be collected in on arrival, and their use will be limited to allotted times daily, ensuring they do not interfere with camp activities and provide a safe and engaging environment for all participants.

For those attending Junior Camp (School Years 3-5), mobile phones will not be allowed. Mobile phones should be left at home, and any phones taken to camp will be collected for safekeeping for the duration of camp.

1. Collection and Distribution Times

To manage mobile phone use effectively, we will implement the following schedule in line with our age-based timetables:

Phone Access Times: 

  • Freshers (School Years 6): Mobile phones will be available for use from 5:45 PM to 7:00PM each day from Monday, except on Shabbat.
  • Unders (School Years 7-8): Mobile phones will be available for use from 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM each day from Monday, except on Shabbat.
  • Overs (School Years 9-10): Mobile phones will be available for use from 5:45 PM to 7:00PM each day from Monday, except on Shabbat.

2. Secure Storage

When collected, mobile phones will be securely stored in lockers that JLGB has purchased (see image below). Assigned JLGB leaders will be responsible for the collection and distribution of phones at the designated times, minimising the risk of loss or damage.

3. Insurance and Liability

While we will make every effort to keep stored phones safe, JLGB cannot take responsibility for any accidental damage, loss or theft. We recommend parents check their household insurance policies to see if phones are covered for such incidents.

4. Individual Needs

We understand that some campers may have diagnosed conditions requiring the use of tablets, devices, or headphones for medical connectivity or accessibility reasons. In conjunction with our medical and welfare team, campers with known conditions will be supported to keep these devices with them as needed throughout their stay.

In addition, for any parents who commented in this survey about anxiety issues their children may have, we will contact you separately to make you aware of what is in place and to ensure you and your children are always able to speak when necessary, via our pastoral team.

5. Charging

All participants on camp will be staying in tents, and there are no private power sockets available to charge devices or battery packs. There will be a reasonable, but understandably limited, facility for participants to charge phones or battery packs, however these should be supervised at all times. Any phones or battery packs left unattended will be unplugged and collected in for safekeeping.

6. Breach of Rules 

Participants found in possession of a mobile phone that has not been properly handed in and recorded may have their phone confiscated for the remainder of the camp, and parents will be contacted. Continued disregard for these rules in line with JLGB’s Behaviour policy, may result in the participant being sent home.

7. Communication with Parents

Parents are reminded that if they have any concerns about their child's welfare at camp, we have an emergency camp phone number and a dedicated pastoral, welfare, and behaviour team to support any worries you or you child may have. 

For any worries, concerns or urgent matters, parents can contact the camp office directly by calling the emergency helpline number, 020 3866 9999 (option 3). All calls will be logged and we will endeavour to resolve all queries within 45 mins of calls received. Unless urgent, calls should not be made between 10pm and 8:30am. For non-urgent, overnight enquiries, please email

8. New Policy Implementation 

This new policy will be implemented immediately to ensure all preparations are in place before the start of camp. Further instructions and reminders will be provided to both campers and parents again the week before camp begins.

Thank you for your support and cooperation. We believe this updated policy will significantly enhance the camp experience for all participants, creating lasting memories and promoting a healthy, safe and engaging environment throughout camp.









Picture of purchased mobile phone safe storage lockers.

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