Tue 20 Sep 2022 14:06

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JLGB Hall of Fame: Aged 97, Normandy Veteran, Mervyn Kersh inducted


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In June 1943, Mervyn Kersh joined the army at the age of 18 ½. Following some tough training in Scotland with the Black Watch he became a Technical Clerk in the 17th Advance Vehicle Company, Royal Army Ordinance Corps and soon was on a boat on route to invasion of the Normandy Beaches on Dday.  From then he fought with British Troops through Europe onto Germany and found himself at the Gates of Bergen Belsen...  and to top it off as a young lad he was even a member of JLGB, and credits so much of what he went on to achieve to the support and development JLGB gave him.

JLGB was honoured at this years Summer Camp to induct Mervyn into the JLGB Hall of Fame and make him an Honorary Colonel. 

For over 125 years, young Jewish people have been discovering just how brilliant they can be and how they can make the world a better place through JLGB. Whether you're 8 or 18, whatever you want to be, join in and be your best self with us! 

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