Wed 20 May 2020 14:06

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Tonight’s inspirational guest Dame Julia Cleverdon served for 16 years as Chief Executive of Business in the Community before going on to become it’s Vice President and being named one of the "50 most influential women in Britain" by The Times.

She later served as Special Adviser to The Prince’s Charities and focused her efforts on disadvantaged communities and has spent her life promoting collaboration among senior leaders from business, government, education and community organisations to build a more robust civil society.

Dame Julia holds many leadership roles in many charities aiming to transform education and opportunities for young people. She was Chair of Teach First from 2006 to 2014, and is now their Vice Patron. She was appointed to chair the National Literacy Trust in 2013, is a Deputy Chair of the Fair Education Alliance and a board member of the National Citizen Service,  programme all of us at JLGB are proud to be part of.

But we know her best of all as the co-founder and trustee of Step up To Serve which organises the #iwill campaign. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome tonight’s very special guest, Dame Julia Cleverdon

For over 125 years, young Jewish people have been discovering just how brilliant they can be and how they can make the world a better place through JLGB. Whether you're 8 or 18, whatever you want to be, join in and be your best self with us! 

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